Quirky Opinions

Review: Sightwitch by Susan Dennard


Genre: Young-Adult, Fantasy
Pages: 224 (with illustrations)
Series: The Witchlands #2.5
Release Date: February 13, 2018
Publisher: Tor Teen

Amazon   Goodreads

2.50 Stars


I have a strange relationship with this series. I like it, but I’m not too invested in what will happen. I think it’s because of how up-and-down the books have been. I enjoyed Truthwitch but the writing in Windwitch took a lot away from my interest in reading more. I thought reading this novella would help me figure things out, but I’m as confused a ever.

Though this is marked 2.5, the story takes place a year (or two) before Truthwitch. It follows Ryber, who we met in the first book, and who I quite liked then. Now, I’m not so sure.

Ryber is a Sightwitch. Sightwitches are a… coven, you could say, of witches who deal in the past, present and future. They aren’t born with their power, it’s granted to them by their sleeping goddess. They get summoned into a cave-thing and come out changed. Ryber has yet to be summoned, even though she works the hardest and always follows the rules. And that’s part of what I didn’t like about her. She’s so rigid, completely closed off to anything new. It gets frustrating.

This story also features Kullen and tells us stuff about him that maybe gives the reader hope that he’s not lost forever after what happened in Truthwitch. His role was not what I’d expected, and his presence actually made me dislike Ryber.

You see, I could accept someone who follows rules. Ryber wants to be a true Sightwitch and doing what she’s supposed to is the only thing that she can control about the entire process. The goddess’s will is out of her hands. I get all that. But she cares so little for Kullen. And I don’t mean in a romantic way. I mean like, she doesn’t even seem to care that he’s a human being. The Sightwitches are all female and isolated from the rest of the world. And any male person who enters their place is to be killed immediately. It’s a stupid fucking rule, especially since Kullen doesn’t even remember how he got there.

Of course, Ryber is all gung-ho about doing the right thing, unless there’s some way she can use him to her advantage. It makes her seem heartless. And her single-minded determination to save the other Sightwitch sisters (yeah, things go all wrong for them) is put in a negative light.

The redeeming factor, for me, was learning about another aspect of the world, especially some of the history we learn through the diary entries (the entire book is in the same format) of an older Sightwitch. Ryber’s mission didn’t mean much to me since I didn’t give two fucks about any of the Sightwitches. The book was also kinda info-dumpy and I’m not big on books that use different formats (unless there’s a legitimate reason). I mean, what’s wrong with normal prose?

So while I liked the expansion of the world and some of the sub-plots, it was unnecessarily convoluted. Also, present-time Ryber is so much more likable. Still, it’s worth reading, especially if you’re a fan of the series. But you could probably skip it too. But definitely do not read it before the other two books because then it will make no sense.

Lastly, I wanna say that there’s a lot going on in this book. In fact, this could have easily been a novel if the author has changed the format, polished the plot and sequence more, and made the pace more… digestible. Then maybe I wouldn’t have has such a hard time taking it seriously. And I know I’m being too harsh since I thought it was fine when I initially read it but, over time, I just keep seeing all the things that didn’t work. Still, I am looking forward to Bloodwitch and I hope it will make me excited about the series again.

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