Quirky Opinions

Category: Tags and stuff…

  • End of the Year Book Tag (2022)

    Since we’re close to the end of the year, this seems a very appropriate tag to do. Not that time has any meaning considering I asked my dad to confirm what year it was earlier today. So yeah, that’s how being an adult is going. How about you? Anyway, I like all the questions for…

  • Top 3 Thursday: Books That Made Me Cry

    This is going to be a fun little post. I’m not a huge crier. Sure, it’s not uncommon for me to shed a tear or two, but actual crying? Not that frequent. But there are still a few books that have made me legit sob. For the list today, I’ve picked two of my recent…

  • Top 3 Thursday: Coming of Age Books I Loved

    I’ve missed the last few Top 3 Thursday posts. One week, I was out-of-town; afterwards, it just kept slipping my mind. I’ll try to be more consistent, even when I don’t have the best answers. That’s the case now, by the way. It’s not that I haven’t read any coming-of-age novels, or that I didn’t like any.…

  • Top 3 Thursday: Book Quotes That Stuck With Me

    Sorry about the mini-hiatus. I was in the mood for procrastination (more than usual, that is) and kept putting off the reviews. I’m back now …until the next time I go AWOL. This topic has to be one of my favourites because I don’t just love books for their stories and their characters, it’s also…

  • Top 3 Thursday: Books That Made Me Laugh Out Loud

    Another ‘Top 3 Thursday’! I didn’t do one last week because it was about the top 3 characters I’d like as roommates and I didn’t have any answer. I put up with people because I have to, I just don’t see myself choosing to have a roommate. But this week’s topic is great because funny…

  • Top 3 Thursday: Literary Animals

    This one was kind of a tough-y. First because I’m really not an animal lover. I don’t hate them per se, just prefer them away from me. And fictional ones are fine, really. I made the list of my faves but I kept thinking I was leaving someone out. Never figured out if I was but…

  • Trope Tuesday!

    Trope Tuesday!

    Given how many romance novels I’ve read recently, it only seemed appropriate to talk about a popular trope in them. The Billionaire Thing. I’m not usually one to judge books by covers. Especially when it comes to romances. I hate book covers with random shirtless dudes, but some of my favourite books have those covers…

  • Trope Tuesday!

    Trope Tuesday!

    For a while now, I’ve been wanting to add something non-review-y to the blog. But due to one reason or the other (usually laziness), I haven’t done it. Finally, I’m changing that. Trope Tuesday is for book tropes. It can be a trope that I hate, one that I love, or simply one that I…

  • The Selection by Kiera Cass

    Earlier this evening, I was going through the various folders on my computer, doing a bit of clean up, and I came across a txt file about when I started reading The Selection. It was from over a year and half ago and I didn’t even remember that I’d taken notes. I only made it…

  • Teaser: Thief of Hearts by L.H. Cosway

    I’m super excited to share the teaser of a book that I, personally, have been anticipating ever since the author announced that it was a thing. L.H. Cosway is an author I love and this series is her best work, in my opinion. I highly recommend checking out the previous four books in the series,…

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