Quirky Opinions

Review: Trick Play and Deke by Eden Finley

Since I’ve kinda sped through this series, I thought that instead of trying to write full reviews for every single one, I’d write somewhat shorter ones. I mean I’m already on book 4 and writing 500 word reviews for them all would be a bitch. I’ve already reviewed Fake Out so onto the next two. By the way, I’m not posting the covers because they’re both random-shirtless-dude ones.


Book: Trick Play

Genre: Contemporary Romance, M/M, Sports
Pages: 306
Series: Fake Boyfriend #2 (works as a standalone)
Release Date: June 25, 2018
Publisher: Eden Finley

4 Stars

I wasn’t planning on jumping into this book so soon after the last one but I was really intrigued by Noah so, after having a very long day, I decided that another comfort read was in order. Because seriously, this series is a lot of fun.

Now, Noah belongs to a very wealthy family. Like, private plane wealthy. And it’s only as a favour to a friend, and to piss off his dad, that he agrees to be Matt Jackson’s fake boyfriend. Matt Jackson is a NFL player who was recently outed as gay and, because of that, has lost any hope of extension on his contract with his current team, the contract that just ended, and is facing the possible end of his career along with the media shit show. The fake boyfriend is supposed to help repair his image.

Matt isn’t entirely happy about the arrangement. He hates that he has to do things that a straight player wouldn’t have to do to prove himself. He’s stressed about his future in the NFL and he doesn’t like Noah because he only sees him as a spoiled little rich boy. That opinion starts changing very soon and even Noah, who’s known to care about no one but himself, comes to care for Matt.

It’s the start of a very sweet relationship between two guys who are in a vulnerable place. Matt because of the reasons stated above and Noah due to reason you’ll find out in the book. And even though there’s a lot to deal with and the relationship is supposed to be fake, the two aren’t shy about liking each other, at least as a person. They get to know each other better than anyone else and I was most definitely rooting for them to work. They had such a caring relationship, how could I not?

This was a great sequel. And I’m only rating it lower than the last because that one had something a little extra. Nothing was missing from this one though and I definitely recommend it.


Book: Deke

Genre: Contemporary Romance, M/M, Sports
Pages: 308
Series: Fake Boyfriend #3 (works as standalone)
Release Date: January 5, 2019
Publisher: Eden Finley

3 Stars

I feel bad about giving this one only three starts but there was nothing to be done. It was a romance between a sports journalist and a NHL player and it should have been great. And I do like Ollie and Lennon, but their story simply didn’t click with me.

For one, the fake boyfriend trope in this one felt forced. It wasn’t featured as prominently. The first time Ollie and Lennon met, it was Ollie meeting a random guy in a restaurant bathroom and them deciding to play boyfriends in front of Ollie’s family to get them off his back about his ex. Ollie didn’t know what Lennon’s job was or his name. It was just one short chapter. And beyond that chapter, the fake boyfriend trope was entirely unnecessary.

Also, I (kind of) had an epiphany while reading. See, for most of the book, Lennon and Ollie were going against their better judgement and basically burying their head in the sand about all the reasons the two wouldn’t work out. And I hate when books do that. Being with someone while going “this is a terrible idea but I can’t help myself” is not romantic!

Also, I felt that the book had way more sex than it needed. The relationship as well was too sexual. It needed more emotional intimacy. Plus, I don’t like Ollie mother …which wouldn’t be an issue if we hadn’t spent so much time with her, even though there was a good reason for it. This isn’t a bad book. I know that all I’ve done is complain but Ollie and Lennon do have chemistry, there are some great plot points explored and I wouldn’t suggest skipping the book or anything. It just didn’t click with me, is all.

5 responses to “Review: Trick Play and Deke by Eden Finley”

  1. Awesome reviews!!! It’s nice to see us loving the series but still having such different opinions… Deke just so happens to be my favorite of the series 😜😜😜 But I also absolutely adore Blindsided because it has my other favorite trope 😊😊 Hope you enjoy that too…

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