Quirky Opinions

Series Wrap-Up: The Interdependency by John Scalzi

John Scalzi's Interdepency Series — Ken Britz

Genre: Adult, Science Fiction
Number of Books: 3
Pages: 960 (336 + 304 + 320)
Published: 2017-2020
Publisher: Tor Books
Can the books be read as standalones: No

Yeah, the first review of the year isn’t even an actual review. And that’s because the one book I’ve finished so far is an ARC that doesn’t come out for another ten days. As for why I chose this series… I watched a video that made me want to read more sci-fi.

This is a solid series from start to finish. It’s not really characters driven, but there were plenty of characters that I liked and one that I loved. The plot’s great, too, and I found all the sci-fi elements to be interesting and done well. It’s also easy to read and a lot of fun. The conclusion is satisfying, and though I wouldn’t call this one of my favourite series, it’s definitely one I really enjoyed.

The series is about the collapse of Flow pathways. The Flow is a means of travelling long distances in short periods without trying to make light-speed travel work. There are Flow pathways between different star systems that would otherwise not be in contact because they’re several lightyears apart. These interconnected systems form The Interdependency, an empire that can’t function without the Flow, because each system is dependent on the others. And now, since the Flow pathways are collapsing, the Emperox must be told about it so the empire can prepare for the collapse.

  1. The Collapsing Empire — 4 Stars
  2. The Consuming Fire — 4 Stars
  3. The Last Emperox — 4.25 Stars

I enjoyed all three books equally, but I’ve rated the third slightly higher because I liked how the series ended. Definitely recommend checking it out.

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