Quirky Opinions

Series Wrap-Up: Unholy Trifecta by A.J. Sherwood

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Genre: Contemporary Romance, Crime, M/M
Number of Books: 3
Pages: 727 (269 + 229 + 229)
Published: 2019-2020
Publisher: The author
Can the books be read as standalones: Yes (not recommended, though)

I mentioned this series in a post earlier this week (review for Style of Love), so I thought I’d do a series wrap-up as well.

This is a series I really like. But one thing you should know is that it doesn’t even pretend to be believable. There are assassins and hackers and mercenaries, and they’re super chill. The first book literally follows an assassin who adopts an eight-year-old girl. The purpose of the series is to have fun with crime. There’s little angst or tension (and occasionally that can be an issue), but overall, there are fun characters, banter, and cute romances. Though the romance in the first book is a bit of a subplot.

The pacing of the books can be iffy at times, but that can be attributed to the aforementioned absence of tension. The crime element is decent but never dangerous. So if you’re looking for a fun and relaxing read, this is a good choice. Just don’t take anything too seriously.

  1. How to Shield an Assassin4 Stars
  2. How to Steal a Thief — 4 Stars
  3. How to Hack a Hacker4 Stars

2 responses to “Series Wrap-Up: Unholy Trifecta by A.J. Sherwood”

  1. […] The main conflict in the story can be attributed to Asher’s family, especially his mother. She is the absolute worst. And at first, it seemed like her ignoring Asher’s sexuality and tricking him on blind dates with women would be passed off as a joke. Thankfully, it was given the attention it deserved, even if the climax was a bit much. It was almost comically overdramatic and didn’t fit this more grounded story. It was something I’d expect in the Unholy Trifecta. […]


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